
I am a leaf on the wind
I am a leaf on the wind

i am a leaf on the wind

The lack of completion of words and the use of incomplete phrases allows the reader to feel an absence. For these reasons, ‘l(a (A Leaf Falls with Loneliness)’ holds an important place within the minds of many lovers of poetry.Īnalysis of l(a (A Leaf Falls with Loneliness) It is this absence that Cummings sought to embody in the poem. When glancing over the text, the word “loneliness” can be made out. There are no other words to complete the thought. It stands alone, and is the word “loneliness”. The phrase “a leaf falls” can be found inside of the parenthesis. This creates an image of emptiness and solitude and reflects the written “loneliness” that runs parallel to it. This leaf falls by itself and is not with other leaves. The image of a leaf falling also implies death. The life of the leaf is over for the season. The cold of the winter is soon to come and the chill of the fall has rendered the leaf lifeless. The phrase existing inside of the word “loneliness” allows the reader to feel the emptiness mention here. The words inside the parenthesis look like a leaf as it sways back and forth in the wind as it falls to the ground. It is also a work of art made from a few words. The visual qualities of the text allow the reader to experience not only the imagery created by the description of the leaf falling to the ground in loneliness but also to experience the imagery created by the words and the way they are arranged. This poem, among others, is the reason that Edward Estlin Cummings is described as an “innovative poet known for his lack of stylistic and structural conformity” ( ). This poem certainly lacks conformity, and yet it is still considered poetry because of the effect it has on the readers. The words can move the reader to a deeper feeling and understanding of true loneliness. Some critics have also described his poetry, saying that it “played wildly with form and spacing, punctuation, capitalization, overall grammar and pacing”. The very word “loneliness” which makes up the poem, is interrupted with an image of loneliness. Thus, the poem is effective even though it is only a few words and conforms to no specific pattern or style. Although Cummings wrote many poems like this one, he was also skilled in writing in traditional styles, and wrote a number of widely recognized sonnets. As in this poem, Cummings often focused on images from nature to relay his messages.Ĭummings found wide recognition during his career, though not until he had self-published much of his work. At first, he struggled financially as the style of his poetry was not immediately appreciated. However, Cummings was able to experience fame during his lifetime, which is a feat many poets never accomplish.

I am a leaf on the wind